Go for the job of your dreams...
Find work that's a better fit and

that you're better compensated for!

You're a talented professional woman who needs something to change. But you feel stuck about what to do next.

I'm Julie and I help you ditch the burnout for more fulfilling & sustainable work.

You know something needs to change...

You followed "The Plan": You passed with honors, landed the job, and started hustling up that ladder. And now you realize that you're going to have to create your own plan (and that's a little terrifying).

You are great at what you do - so you take on more tasks and responsibility, at times without additional compensation. You feel resentful and under-valued. You are ready for the next level, and the raise you deserve.

You feel burned out and worry you aren't spending enough time with your family. But you don’t want to rush into yet another position that will be unsustainable or even worse than what you left.

You know you are ready for the "next level." You want to step up into a leadership position - and be compensated as one - but aren't sure how to make it happen.

You aren't sure you love the work you do anymore.... so you sneak onto LinkedIn but remain frozen. You browse the open positions but wonder….  is “grass is greener”?

"Julie really listened and gave honest feedback and guidance."

“Working with Julie validated my reasons for wanting to leave my job.  When we first met, I was spiraling about job hunting and overwhelmed.  Julie really listened and gave honest feedback and guidance.  Now I know leaving is possible, and I gained the confidence to make that happen.”


But you feel stuck……

You WANT someone to tell you EXACTLY HOW  to:

Pull up that old resume, start editing, and make your accomplishments “quantifiable”, so you pass the ATS resume test with flying colors

Find work that feels aligned with your values - like, really: your DREAM job, one that makes you jump out of bed, knowing that what you do makes a difference

Put together a LinkedIn profile that feels authentic and also lets your network know what you are looking for - so the opportunities start coming TO YOU

Say YES to the high profile presentation invite, despite your fear of public speaking, because you know it will make you visible and maybe… find that elusive dream job

Position yourself to go for a promotion - what to do and say and study so that you are READY to voice your value when the opportunity opens up.

Honestly? ....

Getting into action here isn't as hard as you might think.

It's all possible:




With the right person in your corner (ME! )

“Julie is encouraging, supportive, creative and positive.”

“Julie is encouraging, supportive, creative and positive. I was going through a career shift - into something completely different -  and she helped me develop a vision of my experience, capabilities, and value so that I could tell my story with confidence.  She has just the right kind of energy to help people in different phases of life in their careers.”

Lisa L.

You don’t need a resume editor, another career fit assessment, or a LinkedIn profile course. You need customized, regular support as you are figuring out your next best career steps.  The real magic here is:

Unlike most other career coaches, I'm not just going to have you do assessments or make edits to your resume (though I do support that, too).

In my experience, clients find the most success when they are empowered with simple, scientifically proven tools, and support as they use them. These tools help them gain clarity around what they want, own their unique superpowers, step into a leadership role, and find work that is a better fit and they're better compensated for.

Taken together, these tools, along with my coaching, help you voice your value and take action with confidence and ease.

No matter what kind of career challenge, large or small, the process I use is the same...

I call it Career Catalyst.

A customized 1:1 coaching program that helps you ditch the burnout for more fulfilling & sustainable work, so

you can ultimately make

the money you deserve

Investment of 3 months at:


This program won’t just help you uplevel your career -

it will also fundamentally change the way you approach any goal or life transition..

What's Included:


step one:

When you join Career Catalyst, you start with a 1.5 hour onboarding call to do a deep dive into your current career and life, and we'll focus on developing your goals.


step two:

We meet three times a month to check in on movement toward your goals, with special action steps you will take between each call.


step three:

During our calls, as needed, I’ll be sharing an array of tools customized to your situation to support you as you move toward and achieve your goals.


step four:

In between calls, you have unlimited access to me, meaning I can answer questions that come up, help you stay focused on your vision and goals, identify blind spots, and remind you of the possibilities.

I currently offer Career Catalyst for professional women who...

Feel frustrated and burned out at work

get upset and triggered by their boss

Feel like the deck is stacked against them

want to thrive, not just survive

Want to go for a promotion or raise

are motivated to make some changes

“What we talked about got me thinking about this possible new position... I'm really excited!”

"Dear Julie, I just wanted to send a quick note to thank you for your guidance thus far. I think what we talked about got me thinking about this possible new position and promotion in a slightly different way….  I'm really excited to think through it more!"

Stacey M.

What makes career catalyst unique?

The Career Catalyst Program is customized

to the needs of each woman I work with.  

AND (having done this for a while), the primary tools I use fall into the following categories:

find clarity

I might ask you to journal, complete a worksheet, or take a strengths assessment. These tools will give you insight into what kind of work feels most fulfilling for YOU.


take consistent action

I’ll assign you bite-sized steps between calls so that you build momentum - and I’m here for accountability and support whenever you need it.


calm your nervous system

I’ll teach you a few simple, customized tools, based on cutting edge neuroscience. These tools will help get grounded and centered, get focused, get into action, and make 10x better decisions about your career and life.


All of these tools - plus my support - help you get to the next level of your career.

In addition, my 1:1 clients all receive customized resources

to get them from burnt out to lit up: 

guided visualizations

I'll customize - just for you - audio (.mp3) guided visualizations that are deeply relaxing and allow you to mentally rehearse the actions and goals you are moving toward. You'll be able to listen to these over-and-over in between calls.


career shift support

Unlimited review of resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, emails to your boss, emails to colleagues, etc. As needed, I also support you with informational interviewing and networking strategy / implementation, so you’re never left wondering if you’re missing something obvious.  You have the support and accountability to move forward FAST.


workshops & courses

During the time that we work together, you will receive access to all of my workshops and courses, including a public speaking workshop designed to prepare you to deliver kick-ass presentations. You'll also be able to access my Courageous Conversations course. PLUS, any additional workshops or courses delivered while we work together will be yours.  So, you have total access to everything you need to thrive.


Are you ready to uplevel your career? 

To find meaningful work and get paid what you deserve?

With me by your side, you'll finally have the support to:

Go for the promotion you know you are ready for

Pivot to a new position or industry that is a better fit for your strengths and skills

Apply for jobs at other companies in your industry… and increase your compensation

Find work that puts you in flow - so that every day you feel like you’re contributing something important

Make more money so that you can take care of your needs and your family’s needs

Have a career that doesn’t burn you out, but instead feels meaningful and aligned

Each month I take on just two new clients for Career Catalyst, so you'll have all the support you need.

I’m committed to being sure we’re the right fit.  That’s why I offer a free Voice Your Value call so we can get to know each other and be sure I can best support you in your goals.

I would LOVE to talk to you more about

career catalyst

Want to hear from some of my previous clients?

About Julie Artis:

I’m Julie, and I'm here to help you find work that’s a better fit - and that you’re better compensated for.  

I’m the exact right person to be by your side as you take your next best career move away from burnout and toward fulfilling work.

I know this because I’m a published expert on women's work and work/life/family balance. I have ten years of coaching experience, fifteen years of administrative experience, and have been teaching at the university level for over 25 years. I'm also certified as an integrative life coach and change worker by the Ethical Coaching Collective.

I’m grateful to share the incredible gift of cutting-edge neuroscience tools with professional women like you so that you can create a career they love and are better compensated for.

It's my purpose and mission:  supporting women to take courageous steps to go for the promotion, change jobs, and ultimately make the salary they deserve.  As more and more women step into their own power, they’ll not only transform their own lives - they will transform the world.

Personally, I'm embracing my 50s as a divorced mom of two great (and yes, sometimes infuriating) teens.

When I'm not teaching or coaching, I'm an avid (obsessive? :) ) crafter who taught myself to knit, sew, and weave. Recently I started to dabble in woodworking and vegetable gardening. (The picture here shows me sporting some handmade clothes next to my newly constructed raised garden beds!)

“Each call was incredibly helpful. Julie helped me shift my thinking on a number of things and got me out of some circular rumination about certain topics. She was also very helpful when I felt like the general advice to everyone wasn't working for me specifically and we talked through whether it was true and she validated my concerns and gave me a way forward.”

-1:1 Client

I was amazed at how Julie transformed what seemed like impossible situations into simple strategies that I could use to improve things immediately. Thank you!

-1:1 Client

Ditch burnout for more fulfilling work.

Go for the promotion or job of your dreams.
Make the money you deserve.

I want this for you!  Book a free voice your value call so we can get started!