I help women just like you get the promotion, earn more pay,

and have more impact.

You don't have to stay stuck in middle management.

It doesn't matter your age, your industry, your experience: life's too short to just "put up" with where you're at. It's time to change what you've been doing and show up as a leader, and I'm here to show you how.

I'm Julie, and I'm the exact right person to be by your side as you go for a promotion. I’m a published expert on women's work and work/life/family balance. I have 12 years of coaching experience, 15 years of leadership experience, and have been teaching at the university level for over 25 years. I'm also certified as an integrative life coach and change worker by the Ethical Coaching Collective.

When I'm not teaching or coaching, I'm hanging out with my partner Mitch, my 2 adult kiddos, and my dog Bingo. I'm also an avid (obsessive? :) ) crafter who taught myself to knit, sew, and weave. Recently I started to dabble in woodworking and vegetable gardening.

Work with me...

I support and empower women at midcareer to step into leadership - and earn a raise. My unique Next Level Method will help you stand out, show your superiors that you are ready, and amplify your great ideas.... so your promotion will be inevitable.


Next Level Coaching

Next Level is a customized 1:1 coaching program that empowers midcareer women to stop being underpaid and overlooked and land the PROMOTION and RAISE they deserve.

Step into leadership faster and with less stress by strengthening the skills that make promotions inevitable. Because the sooner you reach the next level, the sooner you’ll earn more and make a bigger impact.

Want my in-depth, unabashedly feminist take about the career landscape, women in leadership, and how to keep your eye on the prize when everything seems so volatile? Sign up for my newsletter below!

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